Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Women of Faith bargain

I keep forgetting to share about my Women of Faith bargain. First of all, I won a gift bag that our group leader was giving away. It had a t-shirt, 2 books, and a worship music CD in it. Then our group leader gave us each little treat bags and in it were $5 coupons good for the Women of Faith vendors. Now in all the years I've been going to Women of Faith, I have avoided the vendors because it's too tempting to buy stuff. So I took my $5 coupon and went looking. I found a devotional/journal book that was $10 and so I bought it, with the coupon, I got it for $5. After I got home, I noticed on the back that it was normally priced $20! So I got a great deal and now I have a nice little hardback journal.

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