Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23

Friday, November 4, 2011

What if you run into problems?

It is probably unavoidable that you will run into some kind of problem when you're couponing. Frequently, the problem is with an untrained cashier. I had a cashier who griped the entire time she was scanning my coupons as if those 35 cent coupons were coming directly out of her pocket!

What is the best way to handle these problems? Make sure you are in the right. Ask to see the coupon just to double check the small print (remember my $3 only good in Canada coupon? LOL).

Remain calm and friendly. (this one is a real challenge for me!). When I used some of my Bar S coupons last Saturday, I had the cashier try to tell me that I couldn't use them on the garlic bologna because it was for original only. Which is NOT what it said at all. It said "ANY package of 16 oz Bar S franks or bologna". I patiently pointed that out to her. Turns out the reason the coupon wouldn't scan was because the meat was marked down so it wasn't scanned into the register using the bar code (which I had tried to tell her already, but whatever, LOL).

Next, if necessary, call a manager over and ask them for help. Still remain calm and friendly (again, still a challenge for me). On Saturday on the same United trip, I had a manager get really hateful with me because he was going to have to "manually enter every one of those coupons". I had 6 coupons. It wasn't like I had 100 of them! I just bit my tongue and let it go (although I am still considering writing a letter to the corporate office)

What if things cannot get worked out and you KNOW you are right? Sometimes you just have to walk away and try again later. But whatever you do, do not let it discourage you from using coupons. Cashiers and managers have bad days, just like we do. Just take a deep breath and walk away. If you're still bothered by it a few days later, you can look into writing a letter to the company to voice your concerns.


  1. Hi! I'm a new follower of your lovely blog.
    Have a nice day!

  2. Welcome Veronica! Nice to meet you!

  3. Great advice Tracy! And yes, your best tip is to "remain calm and friendly". A person (cashier) is much more likely to want to help a person that is friendly than a person that is being ugly. Remember that the cashiers are just people too, just there, trying to do their jobs.

    Another tip: If you are in question, you can take your coupon and the items in question to the customer service desk before check out to see if you are interpreting it right. I have done this often with substitution. For example: I had a coupon for Suave 2-pack deodorant, but the store I use does not sell Suave in a two pack. So I asked if I could just purchase two and the coupon still apply..and it worked :)

  4. That's a good idea, going to the customer service desk first if you're not sure.

  5. Great tips! I'm new to couponing so I always welcome advice. And thanks for stopping by my blog...following you back :)
