Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Product Review: Propel Zero fitness water

This week, I received a free sample of Propel Zero fitness water in the mail to try. It was the Kiwi-strawberry flavor. Propel fitness water adds Vitamins C, E, and B along with antioxidants and flavoring to water with no added calories and no artificial colors. It's a little packet of powder that you add to a bottle of water or a 16 ox glass of water.

What did I think? I really liked it, especially the kiwi-strawberry flavor. I love drinking water and try to drink lots of it, but every once in a while, it's nice to mix it up and have a little flavor added to it.

I was a little disappointed that they didn't send me a coupon so I could go buy more and try it out. Don't these people realize I need coupons? LOL. I will watch for a good deal on these and try them out. Tom liked them too, so this might be a nice substitution for soft drinks and a change of pace from the Crystal Light Energy stuff we've been drinking, too.


  1. Sounds good, I wonder what other flavors they have! I drink unsweet tea a lot and maybe when I crave pop this would help!

  2. Brenda, if you go to their website linked in the blog, it tells the different flavors available, although our local Wal-Mart didn't have that many choices. (And I don't remember what they did have, sorry.)

    1. Thanks, I looked and I do see several that look like a good flavor to try! Thanks!
