Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Colossians 3:23

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Grocery deals: week of February 6th-12th

This week at Jumbo Foods in Enid you can get
boneless skinless chicken for $1.69 a pound
a 10# bag of potatoes for $1.98
Croissant, Hot, or Lean Pockets 3/$5

United Supermarkets has some good deals this week.
Betty Crocker Chicken, Tuna, or Hamburger Helper, Progresso recipe starters or Progresso classic soups: 8 for $8. There are coupons for 75 cents off 3 of the Helpers, making them 75 cents each, 50 cents off the Recipe starters, making them 50 cents each, and 50 cents off two soups, making them 75 cents each. I am super excited about the Helpers being on sale because I was almost out! There are also regular Progresso soups on sale 2/$3, with the coupon, they'd be $1.25 each.

Also this week at United, if you buy 8 participating General Mills Box Tops for Education products, you can get a mail-in form to send off for 40 bonus Box Tops for your school! What a great way to help your school and save money! Just think, if you bought 8 boxes of the Helpers, even without the coupons, you'd only spend $8 plus tax. Then you could get $4 worth of Box Tops for the school, not to mention the Box Tops on each of the boxes you bought, that would be another 80 cents! So for $8, you could get almost $5 for your school! Now that's a great bargain!!!

You can still get a $5 off $25 coupon from Save-a-Lot! The great thing about Save-a-Lot is that you can combine other coupons with their store coupon and save even more. Also, if you haven't been to the new one in Enid on South Van Buren, it's very nice. And their Cafe 81 has wonderful onion burgers!


  1. Were those coupons in the Sunday paper? I still have them just haven't went through and clipped any yet! :)

  2. No, they were from a week or so ago, I already had them in my binder. I have plenty of the Helper coupons if you need some. Just let me know and I can bring them to the meeting tomorrow night.

  3. Oops, I lied, there was a hamburger helper coupon in sunday's paper!
